Much like a handshake between you and a customer, your signage and graphics play a crucial role in establishing the perfect first impression for your brand or organisation. Whether you’re starting out or rebranding for your new identity, one of the things that often get left to the last minute is signage installation. To make sure that your new signs go up without a hitch, we’ve put together some tips on how you can avoid the top signage mistakes.
Design For Style & Legibility
Excellent and functional graphic design goes hand in hand with effective signage. From the minute you start conceptualising your logo or graphic, it’s best to keep in mind how clear and practical your design will be.
For example, details such as colour contrast and spacing will affect how visible your sign is to people driving by your store or location. Colour combinations that strain the eye and odd spacing between letters and elements can draw people away rather than draw them in. Using a paper template before installation allows you to visualise the sign in the space before installation.
Selecting Materials For Signage Installation
Your sign’s durability and longevity will depend on which materials are suitable for your purpose and environment. The most expensive materials do not always guarantee the best value for your business or establishment.
Upgrading wooden signs to plastic is a small investment that will give you the same look, but would last without replacement for a longer time. Outdoor installations commonly use acrylic letters, as they are resistant to fading or cracking.
Eliminate All The Second-Guessing
Location is also an important factor in putting up your signs. The size and placement of your signs will determine whether it would be easy to spot across the street while attracting foot traffic from nearby. In order to find a balance between cost and long-term value, it’s best to seek advise from a company that specialises in both graphics and signage services.
REDiNK is a signage and graphics expert that help businesses like yours from start to finish—from creating your design to handling on-site installation. If you want to know more about what we can do for your business, give us a call at (03) 9761 5965 or send us an email at info@redinkgroup.com.au to request a quote. We look forward to helping you with your next project.
I’m glad that you mention how it’s important to choose the right material for the business sign so it’s durable and works for your purpose and environment. Once you know what you want, it would probably be a good idea to research local sign companies to find one that specializes in the material you want. You could them call or meet with them so you can ask questions and discuss the type of business sign you want to figure out which one can provide the best results.